Friday, December 3, 2010


I am really into the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. But I would definitely not go to see it in theaters more than twice. This one guy saw it 34 times in three months... I don't think that's healthy at all. I mean I've seen it around 12 times so far but the total cost was about 33 dollars. I saw it in theaters once (and thanks to a good friend of mine, I did not have to pay, which was fortuante because I didn't have any money at the time). As for the other ten times, I waited for the blu-ray/dvd/digital copy combo pack to come out. I ordered it on and it came with a free 24 hr rental. Whoever this guy is he must have recession proof money because I couldn't see anyone wanting to spend all that money just to make a name for himself, or just to see the movie a whole lot, or whatever the purpose of it was.....

Well whatever, people do what they do.

Anyway since what little of the internet I use is boring me (youtube, facebook, myspace, twitter, tagged, netflix, etc.) I figure I may as well put some nonsensical thoughts on non-paper. Today was a particularly fun day. I got reacquainted with a few of my games. While that's always fun, I can't help but wish that I had more friends to share the experience with. Playing videogames with friends is awesome and I don't do it often enough. Come to think of it, anything done with friends is slightly to moderately to greatly more awesome. I tend to wonder what my friends or doing and then I wonder who I call my friends and if the label is appropriate.

I want to buy some new games, but so far the only purchase I have planned is Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and I know it's gonna hurt knowing how much I spent on the game when I spend it. I'm going to do it anyway, because that's what I do. I've accepted that.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


ok so I'm going to the comedy club today, tomorrow and possibly Sunday.... that's 6 trips.... that means I'll have four left.... enough to go see Sarah Silverman and get back to Hillside... I think... Usually it doesn't work out so well.... I think I'll just buy twenty trips and try and get the money for the book through other means... Usually all my comedy related endeavors work out perfectly so it shouldn't be a problem at all.... it'll be the best 4/20 ever..... the inside of my ear is itchy and I don't know why... i have until five o' clock to finish all my hw for school for the week (and the last two weeks). should be no problem as long as I actually do it, instead of procrastinating like I usually do. i got this. no worries. hakuna matata and all that. what else is there to think about?

I have no idea.
At all.
Not a clue.

Let's see there is college, a job, my (potential) career in comedy...... nope that's about it.... I have no other interests.... at the moment. I do want a an additional PS3 and an X-box360 but I'm not gonna concern myself with such trivial matters just yet. No luck in love but that's the usual so I'm not worried about that either. I'm just going to do what I do and not worry about what I can't do........

Monday, April 12, 2010


I guess this would be a good way to kill time and express my thoughts..... no editing for me though I hate doing that. If you said it the way you said whether you meant it or not there's no need to erase. It happened and it's over. Move on. Keep living. like it, love it embrace it.


I went backc to journal writing today. i was at the pier sitting at my spot by the crepe place and I just felt inspired by the twinkle in the watering eye. The Hudson River is a great place to look at especially on days like this. My favorite day to see it though was when the whole river froze over (yes I was outside in that weather so what?). It looked so peaceful. I felt like I could just step out there and walk on water (hoping that I wouldn't fall through the ice. I'm not naming any these blogs anymore I'm just going to keep count. I've put blogs up on so many sites it's getting a bit ridiculous (I had 100+ on MySpace but I deleted them when I felt I was getting stale.... I'll bring it back up eventually.... hell I got three profiles I'll have thousands up everywhere)....... but anyway I guess my point is if you want to enjoy life you have to experience all parts of life good and bad.... There's no such thing as bad weather it's all about perspective.......