Thursday, March 31, 2011

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

I'd rather not

what's the world headed towards?

you're locked out of your house..... who u gonna call (besides ghostbusters)


what's the world headed towards?

you just found out you're locked out of your house.... who u gonna call? (after u call Ghostbusters)

you just found out you're locked out of your house.... who u gonna call? (after u call Ghostbusters)

Answer here

What are u looking forward to this summer?

my birthday.... im gonna tear the world apart this time around

what's the world headed towards?

What is your favorite cartoon character?

Bart Simpson

what's the world headed towards?

What was the happiest moment in your life?

first time i did stand-up. i didn't sleep til around 5am

what's the world headed towards?

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

michael ja.... uh, Christina Ricci (childhood celebrity crush)

what's the world headed towards?

Who's the most talented person you know?

a friend of mine named maho i would say

what's the world headed towards?

Where'd you find out about

michele's facebook

what's the world headed towards?

What household chore do you hate to do the most?

bathroom cleaning. it's gross. i'm thankful i never have to do it

what's the world headed towards?

Unlike dogs, pigs, and some other mammals, humans cannot taste water. They taste only the chemicals and impurities in the water.

how could that be proven?

what's the world headed towards?

It is the female lion who does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest.


what's the world headed towards?

The most common time for a bank robbery is Friday, between 9 and 11 a.m. The least likely time is Wednesday, between 3 and 6 p.m.

makes sense. if the heist is successful they can celebrate all weekend

what's the world headed towards?

Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill.

suck it, mountain range!

what's the world headed towards?

The Wild Turkey is the only bird with a beard.


what's the world headed towards?

What is your favorite room in a home?

the one with the most TVs

what's the world headed towards?

Identify a fake: The second hand on an authentic Rolex watch doesn't tick, it moves smoothly.


what's the world headed towards?


2x2 = 4

what's the world headed towards?

You can invent any flavor of ice cream. What do you make?

peanut butter & jelly ice cream

what's the world headed towards?

When people accidently trip over themselves while walking, they automatically go into 'survival mode' and try to pretend like they meant it. (eg. they start into a jog)

sometimes i don't do it but it's almost like a reflex

what's the world headed towards?

When George Washington was elected president, there was a king in France, a Czar in Russia, an Emperor in China, and a Shogun in Japan. Only the office of President remained.

lucky U.S.

what's the world headed towards?

You and I wake up in a psychiatric ward together. Using 4 words, what would you say to me? Note: And If you comment, you must copy and ask others, so I may comment on yours as well.. Be a good sport and play along... 4 words isn't easy!!

where are the pancakes?

what's the world headed towards?

In addition to me sending facts, i will also chat with some of you so we can get to know each other. It's been awhile since i chatted with people on formspring. So just keep following and i'll probably chat with you. :)

thats nice

what's the world headed towards?

those two facts weren't meant to be linked. I just felt like sending 2 random facts as one. I like to start changing things a bit.


what's the world headed towards?

Seven suicides are recorded in the Bible. Cotton candy's original name was fairy fluff.


what's the world headed towards?

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

it's gonna be a long walk.... nah idr

what's the world headed towards?

How much sleep do you get every night?

i'd say i average five to six hours

what's the world headed towards?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

girls-what do you have more of boobs or ass? guys- do you like boobs better or ass?

ass, ass baby.

what's the world headed towards?

Alright new rule. I'm going to put this account on hold. I will be using my second facts account from now on to send facts. If you want facts, you will have to follow me from my second account. :)

yeah cool

what's the world headed towards?

How was your day today?

it was ok.

what's the world headed towards?

Kiss on the cheek or a Kiss on the neck?


what's the world headed towards?

What song is stuck in your head right now?

Irreplaceable just popped into my head. I hope it's not stuck. If it is, I blame you. or Eminem for that Beyonce line in No Apologies

what's the world headed towards?

Do you iron your own clothes or do you get your parents do them?

I don't iron. I just throw it on and walk out

what's the world headed towards?

Did you go school/work today? Did you have fun?

no i did not. but I had some fun today

what's the world headed towards?

Guys I quit spamming .. Too tired of it .. but I do give out advice. Sorry guys .. ♥

hey do whatever u want life is full of other things to do.

what's the world headed towards?

Did you have an argument or a fight with someone today?


what's the world headed towards?

Tea or Juice?


what's the world headed towards?

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

That time before when I could have sex way earlier then I actually did, so I could do it even though it would make me feel like a horrible person

what's the world headed towards?

Who and when was your first kiss?

I'll say her name is June because I don't want to say her name all over the interwebs. But it was in 2007 and I still remember her lips.

what's the world headed towards?

What would your dream job look like?


I'd like to see a resume for that one.

what's the world headed towards?

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?

Everything except my ps3, my eminem shirt & my death note shirt

what's the world headed towards?

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?


what's the world headed towards?

If you had the chance to change anything in the world. Anything from War, Poverty, Laws, Etc. What would you change? Why would you change them/it?

I think I would change joblessness and homelessness through better government assistance programs. I mean if you can't keep a job that's on you but if you can't get a job in the first place then you've lost before the race even started. I would do this because I feel like I fall into the latter category

what's the world headed towards?

A broken clock is always right twice a day.

once in the morning, once in the evening

what's the world headed towards?

Monday, March 21, 2011

How was your day?

It was okay nothing special

what's the world headed towards?

Who would describe you as their role model?

I have some guesses but i'm not gonna say

what's the world headed towards?

i also give out advice now :)

good for you

what's the world headed towards?

What age is the best to have sex?

not in an age that ends in teen.... I'd say 20

what's the world headed towards?

What age do you think its good to get married?


what's the world headed towards?

When did you last wish you were someone else?


what's the world headed towards?

Who have you given up on?

Most of my friends. I'm done trying to hang out with people who don't even try to hang out with me.

what's the world headed towards?

last song you heard?

Some Eminem song. I'm watching the Eminem takeover on fuse. Love the Way You Lie is on so that'll be it once the next song comes on

what's the world headed towards?

What's your biggest phobia?

My temper getting out of control

what's the world headed towards?

Eating chips YUM YUM :P

cookies beat chips any day. as long as they're chocolate chip.

what's the world headed towards?

Opinions on Cody Simpsons?

who's that guy?

what's the world headed towards?

Who do you text the more?

idk I don't count my texts.

what's the world headed towards?

Inbox me on some topics of spam <3


what's the world headed towards?

How old is your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife LOL ;)

I don't have any of those anymore

what's the world headed towards?

i know ur stalking my formspring lol ;)

I'm not. idk you. also this is formspring. it's the digital version of wandering around, same with all the other social networks

what's the world headed towards?

3 facts I know about you 1) You cant say M with your closed. 2) I just made you try it. 3) I just made you smile :D

I have no idea what you're talking about.

what's the world headed towards?

Who annoys you alot?

The people that never call back and constantly say they will

what's the world headed towards?

Do you know someone who is gay?

I don't know I haven't asked everyone I know if they're gay.

what's the world headed towards?

What do you want to be when your older? :)

Less old

what's the world headed towards?


Death Note shirt, Eminem shirt, really big white t shirt, socks, pants, jean shorts, and a hat... all indoors

what's the world headed towards?

Are you normally good in school or bad?

I haven't been in school in years. I was good until they wanted me to start questioning everything. then I became a wise ass

what's the world headed towards?

Everyone desrves a second chance <3 Thats why a pencil has an eraser.

that's why I prefer pens. No second chances. You can never forget. Unless you have Alzheimer's

what's the world headed towards?

Whats your lucky number?


what's the world headed towards?

I be rude to my anons whatever they say LOL

why not they chose to be anonymous fuck it.

what's the world headed towards?

What kind of jeans do you wear?

blue ones

what's the world headed towards?

Who did you last call?

My dad

what's the world headed towards?

Opinions on Justin Bieber?

not at artist. Pop icon just like all the others... he'll fizzle out in about three years

what's the world headed towards?

How many brothers/sisters do you have?

4 siblings

what's the world headed towards?

How many shoes do you own?

one pair

what's the world headed towards?

Look on the floor .. watcha see? :D

Driver's manual, Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsay, my PS3 & PSP charger, and my foldable keyboard

what's the world headed towards?

What subject do you love the most?


what's the world headed towards?

Whats your favorite animal?


what's the world headed towards?

Who are you? You keep asking me questions!!

you don't know me my name is Hakeem and this is how the internet works. and the Jersey Shore totally sucks. MTV has sucked since 1994.... I don't know what to tell you about the questions I ask everyone questions because I'm too lazy to pick & choose who to ask and I just add people randomly when I'm bored

what's the world headed towards?

Is it possible to know your best friend too well?

Is it possible to know your best friend too well?

Answer here

Turkey's often look up at the sky during a rainstorm. Unfortunately some have been known to drown as a result.

Well, at least some Thanksgiving turkeys die of natural causes.

what's the world headed towards?

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

Do I have free healthcare yet? I really need to see a doctor I haven't been in for a check-up in at least ten years.

what's the world headed towards?

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

This week it's Archer. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was first before.

what's the world headed towards?

If you could have been the author of any book, what would it have been?


what's the world headed towards?

Ask me stuff I'm bored. But ask me stuff even when I'm not bored.

What movie has the best soundtrack?

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

what's the world headed towards?

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Hmm. I don't know that's a tough one I haven't seen a Disney movie in a while... no wait never mind Toy Story 3. the whole movie series i love though

what's the world headed towards?

If you could come up with a Holiday that could be celebrated like Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Etc...What would it be? Why?

Well I heard one time when I was looking for holidays on my bday that there was a Friendship day.... if that doesn't really exist I would make one like that. Make a New Friend day. or Pay it Forward day ... just because the world is a harsh place and we need to be nicer to each other at least a little.

what's the world headed towards?

Marry, Fuck, Kill - Bella, Edward, Jacob

Kill all three.

what's the world headed towards?

Marry, Fuck, Kill - Harry, Ron, Hermione

Kill all three. viciously.

what's the world headed towards?

spamm me? :)

with questions? idk how that works exactly explain it to me.

what's the world headed towards?

Do you tend to be shy or an attention seeker?

I tend to be shy but when I'm speaking I like people to listen because I usually have a purpose for talking

what's the world headed towards?

Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.

Awesome, eggs make a thunderstorm in there

what's the world headed towards?

Philadelphia Eagle fans once booed and threw snowballs at Santa Claus at halftime during a football game between the Eagles and the Vikings. The weather was bad and the Eagles were losing 2-11.

Go Eagles!

what's the world headed towards?

10 days after the biggest bank heist in japanese history (5.4 mil), very polite japanese theives wrote a thank you note saying "thank you very much for the bonus, we can live of this loot for life."

haha awesome

what's the world headed towards?

People need to be cautious that water boiled in a microwave oven can suddently explode. A slight movement like picking up the cup or pouring a spoon full of coffee may result in a violent eruption.

I've never thought of boiling water in the microwave unless it was to make soup

what's the world headed towards?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

which SImpsons character(s) would you most like to hang out with?

I would definitely hang out with 22 yr old versions of Bart & Lisa.

or maybe I'd just hang out with Milhouse mom & make yellow & black babies

what's the world headed towards?

which SImpsons character(s) would you most like to hang out with?

which SImpsons character(s) would you most like to hang out with?

Answer here

Have you cried during a movie?

yes Cruel Intentions was the first that I remember. I don't think it happened before. that movie taught me that love = death.

what's the world headed towards?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What song is stuck in your head right now?

6 foot 7 foot by lil wayne.... but not the verses just the one banana part & the 6 foot 7 foot part

what's the world headed towards?

would you have sex with @dawnnxo

followed the twitter link still don't know who that is... I guess so but I don't have sex with girls idk so most likely not.... still a weird question

what's the world headed towards?

would you have sex with @dawnnxo

idk who that is

what's the world headed towards?

What was the best concert you went to?

I don't think I've gone to a concert

what's the world headed towards?

If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

Rosario Dawson, Jena Malone & Christina Ricci

what's the world headed towards?

What would your dream job look like?

sex & comedy

what's the world headed towards?

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?


Lawrence. then I'd be Lawrence squared... actually middle name too then I'd be Lawrence cubed

what's the world headed towards?

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?


what's the world headed towards?

What's the biggest challenge you've faced in your life?

not killing myself & not dying. & also trying to care

what's the world headed towards?



what's the world headed towards?

A musician once told Elvis to 'Stick to driving a truck, because you'll never make it as a singer' during an audition and rejected him. Few months later, Elvis released a popular hit and the muscian invited him back but Elvis turned him down.

as a person unitnerested in Elvis this is an eh for me but can't wait for more amusing facts

what's the world headed towards?

A musician once told Elvis to 'Stick to driving a truck, because you'll never make it as a singer' during an audition and rejected him. Few months later, Elvis released a popular hit and the muscian invited him back but Elvis turned him down.

cool story bro

what's the world headed towards?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spam session about Relationships again... How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

I'd have to check with my past life.

what's the world headed towards?

Do you like snow?

Do you like snow?

Answer here

Do you like snow?

hellz yeah

what's the world headed towards?

What media inspires you the most?

What media inspires you the most?

Answer here

If you could fly, where's the first place you'd land?

If you could fly, where's the first place you'd land?

Answer here

ask me a question or something.... blah blah blah words blah .....

My girlfriend likes to flush crackers down the toilet to feed The Little Mermaid. Should I do something or is this normal?

slap some sense into her or tell her that the little mermaid's diet largely consists of urine & fecal matter

what's the world headed towards?

Where's the most embarrassing place your cell phone has ever gone off?

one time I leg dialed while I was urinating... now I don't keep my phone in my pants pocket

what's the world headed towards?

Monday, March 7, 2011


I don''t know why but formspring posts on both of these "blogs" i have here so it makes my post count severely above the amount of effort I've actually put into them. I'm pretty sure I have like two each & now the numbers are in there 30's for both. If anyone actually put the time in to follow and check out my posts I'm sorry that there's all this irrelevant stuff but maybe the silver lining is you got to know things about me that you would not have had the opportunity to otherwise.

Anyway that's pretty much all I wanted to say for today. But it's early so I may be back with another one, putting about the same amount of effort into the title making. Sorry about that as well if it starts to bother you.

good morning all,
-Hakeem L.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

What fear would you most like to conquer?

tie between snakes & heights. actually both cuz i like snakes

what's the world headed towards?

which do you enjoy more comics or novels?

which do you enjoy more comics or novels?

Answer here

Who would you rather sleep with: Natalie Portman or Nikki Blonsky?

who's Nikki Blonsky? Natalie Portman all the way even after I google the other one (dammit I just used google as a verb.... lame)

what's the world headed towards?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm bored.
challenge me with a question.

What's your daily morning routine?

depends on the day. Mostly do the gamer thing, plan out what I'm going to do, watch some tv, go for a walk outside.....

what's the world headed towards?