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Thoughts of the Meek 1
Thursday, April 14, 2011
If you were to go on vacation for eleven days, you would have less than one million seconds to enjoy it.
what's the world headed towards?
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"101 Dalmatians" and "Peter Pan" are the only Disn...
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If you were to go on vacation for eleven days, you...
A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 ...
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Is anything in your pocket atm? If so, what?
What year(grade) are you in? Im in grade 8 :)
Google does, in fact, own the internet.
I've had a crush on you for a while but I couldn't...
A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 ...
If you were to go on vacation for eleven days, you...
If you were to go on vacation for eleven days, you...
Besides Formspring, what websites do you check the...
what's a hipster?
Is there a cover song that you like better than th...
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Can you make adults laugh without being stupid?
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Alphabet spammm! xxx
A- Have you ever dated someone who you didn't find...
D- Have you ever been DEPRESSED? (delete if too pe...
K- Have you ever been KICKED out of the cinema?
M- Whenever you see a MIRROR, do you look in it?
P- Do fish make good PETS?
O- Do you like OCTAGONS?
X- Do you know what the word XYLOID means without ...
Y- Do you miss being YOUNG?
B- Do you sleep in a single or a double BED?
J- Favourite flavour JAM(or jelly if you're not fr...
Z- What is your ZODIAC sign?
E- What is your favourite EMOTICON?
H- Do you get bad HAY fever?
I- Would you like to live inside an IGLOO?
Do you start the shower before you get in or once ...
Has a friend ever turned you on? Do you find it ea...
L- How LATE do you stay up in the holidays?
Does it bother you when people don't reply to text...
T- When did you last go to the TOILET?
U- Have you ever rejected someone purely because y...
If you suffocate a smurf, what colour do you think...
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Have you ever been sledging?
Do you act differently around the person you like?
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C- When did you last CRY?
G- What would the world do without GOOGLE?
Does it annoy you when people swear alot when ther...
Did you 'play out' on the street when you were lit...
Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of? If not, d...
S- Do you like the feeling of SNEEZING?
V- Are you a VIRGIN?
In the last 24 hours, have you hung out with a mem...
When in your room, do you prefer your door to be o...
W- How many WINDOWS are at the back of your house?
N- Can you sleep if there's background NOISE?
Q- Does the QUEEN'S life interest you at all?
F- Are you scared of FLYING?
Who did you last call?
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